About Us
Creating Meaningful Impact
Massachusetts Oncology Patients, Survivors, and Supporters (MOPSS) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to championing the well-being of individuals affected by head and neck cancer. We aim to bridge the gap between medical and oral care through awareness, education, and support initiatives. For the past several years, MOPSS has partnered with elected representatives and patient advocacy organizations to pass legislation that will cover medically related dental treatment in the state. This insurance coverage is especially critical to survivors of head and neck cancer, many of whom have ongoing, complex, treatment-related dental issues. We supported Massachusetts House Bill 1094, 193rd Massachusetts Congressional 2023-2024 (similar to bill h. 1154 2021-2022), and will be helping to introduce new legislation in the 194th Massachusetts Congressional 2025-2026. House Bill 1094 would have required insurers doing business in the state to cover medically related dental treatment in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The bipartisan bill was sent to study by the Joint Committee of Health Care Finances in 2024 but MOPSS will not be deterred!
Our members speak at Head & Neck Cancer support groups to educate survivors on action based support our organization offers. MOPSS representatives attend dental conferences to educate our dental community and bring awareness to the survivorship and quality of life issues that head and neck survivors face.

Hearing H1094
Dec 7, 2023

fun & advocacy

State House Hearing Dec 7