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Share your Testimony!
We are looking for testimony from survivors, supporters, and medical professionals!
Our hearing was December 5, 2023 individuals gave oral testimony to the Joint Committee of Financial Services at the Massachusetts State House. The committee is still accepting written testimony from the public. We are looking for people to provide testimony through letters - feel free to utilize the testimony guide below to help you get started--and you don't need to be a resident of Massachusetts to provide testimony! Email your letters either to or
Testimony Guide
Thank you for opportunity to provide WRITTEN/VIDEO testimony in support of dental health care equity for Cancer survivors.
My Name is _____________________________________
If applicable Resident of Town in MA ____________________ or City & State
How long you have been a resident of MA______________________________________
I am a:
•Diagnosis, How long ago
•Your Story
•How your daily living is affected (please specify to an audience unfamiliar with cancer, head & neck cancer and therapies)
•If possible couple specifics of
denial of dental coverage-$ you
have paid out-of-pocket, total
amount you have paid.
•Thank you and reiterate your
support for dental health equity bills related to cancer.
•How did you hear about Bill H1094
•What brought you to this cause?
•Why you believe this would help?
•How you see it helping the person you support
•Thank you and reiterate your support for dental health equity bills related to cancer.
•Affiliate Institution
•How long you've been practicing.
•Anecdotal experience in denial
of dental coverage
•Why it is important to your
professional community
•Thank you and reiterate your support for dental
health equity bills related to cancer.
Tips for testifying in public:
Prior to going to the State House, we recommend writing out your testimony
Read/Speak it in front of a mirror
Time yourself with your phone to make sure it’s around 3 mins)
Video record yourself saying your testimony
Please Keep your Testimony to 3 Minutes or Less
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